
Here's some information about how we work

Appointment Types

Routine vs urgent appointments

Urgent conditions are severe and sudden in onset. This could describe anything from a broken bone to an asthma attack. A chronic condition, by contrast is a long-developing syndrome, such as osteoporosis or asthma.


Regular clinic

Our regular clinic appointments are 15 minutes in duration but if you require more time for multiple or complex issues you can book a 30 minute consultation. They can be booked by phone, in person and online via Vensa Patient Portal.

On the day urgent triage appointments

If you have an urgent issue that needs to be dealt with immediately ring us on 04 389 9955 and our patient services team will book you onto our urgent triage list with a call back from our extended care paramedic. It might be recommended you are needed to be seen in person and an urgent same day appointment will be offered. Please note that there is charge for this service.

If you have an issue or concern that is not as pressing, you can make a routine appointment for a later date.

If you know you are going to need to see your doctor regularly, such as for medical certificate renewals, or ongoing non-urgent conditions, please book these appointments well ahead of time.

Urgent appointments

We have urgent appointments set aside every day for patients with severe and/or sudden onset conditions. These can only be booked on the day and may not be with your regular doctor.

If you have an urgent issue, please phone us on (04) 389 9955 to make an appointment.


For certain procedures you may be able to see a nurse rather than a doctor. Services such as those listed below can be booked with a nurse. To book an appointment for these, please phone reception.

  • Blood pressure check

  • Flu vaccine

  • Immunisations

  • Liquid nitrogen

  • Removal of stitches

  • Change of dressing

  • Cervical smear

  • New patient screening

  • Sexual health consultations

For some of these procedures you need to have been seen by a doctor first. Our reception team will advise you on the phone if this is necessary.

Making an appointment



Ring our reception team on (04) 389 9955 to make an appointment.  Appointments are available from 7.45am Monday to Friday. We offer face to face and phone consultations.

Our phones are monitored between 8am and 4.45pm Monday to Friday.  Should you require medical advice outside of these hours, please call Healthline on 0800 611 116 for free medical advice.

Online booking

You can book your appointment online. This service is for enrolled patients only. You do not need a login to use this service.